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HomeHomeGeneralGeneralPoliticsPoliticsreligious groups and drug treatmentreligious groups and drug treatment
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3/29/2008 10:15 PM

 The motivation of any religious group is to make themselves better off (mostly financially)  while giving the illusion that they are a moral group trying to help the majority. It must be tough walking such a tight wire. I guess since it has always worked and they continually get money that could be far better used, than why would they ever change, in their eyes it doesn't matter what they do, God is gonna take care of them. I think they should be the ones in treatment. A good friend of mine and I have started our own program called c.a.r.e, christian abuse resistance education, care to keep kids out of church. I also think that people should start standing outside of churches protesting them, play them at their own game. Most of what they believe can be closely related to delusions that people with psychosis have. I just cant understand why religion, something that so many people disagree on, on so many levels, can be a part of swaying people in politics. If these religious groups cant fund themselves, they shouldn't exist, you think the government would give me funding for anything anti religious, No Fu**ing way man. What makes one persons beliefs more righteous than anothers, I actually care about people and have compassion and I don't need some false front to try to make up for not being, I just am and that is good enough.

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5/11/2008 12:36 AM

I am curious as to what "religious groups" are profiting from any drug treatment program.  Drug treatments are a great alternative to many addicts, or people who are involved in drug related cases and  don't think or deny that they are addicts.  Drug treatment needs to be increased, jail sentences need to quit being handed out.  To me, drug treatment is a much better alternative than jail or prison.  Speaking from experience, even when being involved in a treatment program, and "turned off by its religious beliefs," it was much better than being in jail.  Paying a chunk of money and getting the opportunity to better a life is a better alternative than sitting in jail.  I read a comment that treatments and meetings are not proven.  12-step programs are proven to be the best therapy and provide the best long term recovery for addicts and alcoholics.  The catch is, the person needs to be willing to change.  You guys are right, these programs are very pointless for people that don't want them.  What do you suggest for those of us who do want them?  A close friend of mine is sitting in a maximum security prison for a crime he commited when he was in active addiction.  He writes two or three times a week saying how greatful he is that he is alive and how much he enjoys the meetings he is allowed to attend in prison.  My point is, some people complain and feel they are getting the raw end of the deal when they are required to pay a few bucks and sit in a class for two hours a night, while others of us accept our consequences for the wrongs we've done and move on with life. 

HomeHomeGeneralGeneralPoliticsPoliticsreligious groups and drug treatmentreligious groups and drug treatment